Thursday, 10 March 2011

Brand New Images!

Over the past two mornings I decided to visit a beach on the NSW Central Coast called Forrester's. Surprising it was the first time I had been there to shoot and I don't know why?! It's really cool for photography!

On Tuesday morning I arrived nice and early to survey the landscape. Having not been there before in photographic frame of mind, I wasn't sure which way to go......left or right. I chose right which took me to southern end of the beach. I must say I was a little disappointed. I couldn't find an interesting subject matter, plus the sky wasn't doing much at all. There was a thin strip of cloud on the horizon and I knew that the scene was going to blow out pretty quick. I spent about an hour wandering around to the point that I decided to call it a day.

On my way back to the car I thought - while I'm here I should take the left turn and do recon for tomorrow. To my delight I discovered a rock shelf close to the shore where the waves were crashing and splashing up really high. There was also a lot of really cool mossy rocks for forground. 

I arrived the next day very excited of the sunrise to come. My excitement elevated as I got nearer, because there was reasonable cloud cover. Bring on a colourful sky! Plus I had my new spot already figured out.

Whilst the sky did start quite colourful (which you'll see further down the post), at the time I took this one it had disappeared. It took quite some time and a heap of captures to get this shot. The scene seemed to be playing with me because every time I went to move on to a different composition and before I re-set up the biggest set of the day would roll in.

This was one of the biggest I captured. I like having the wash from previous waves in the foreground.

The next shot to be released is something quite different to what I have done previously. After a little bit of a play I think it finished to look exactly how it deserves to be. The initial eye catching point of interest was the intense moss covered rocks. I knew that this had to be the be the main focal point of the scene, so after some deliberation I edited to end with what you see below. I hope you agree - that this adjustment adds a real dramatic feel and show cases what I had set out to achieve, even though I wasn't sure exactly what that was for a while.

The third and final release from this shoot is probably my favourite. It was actually the first taken of the three, when the colour was a lot different. 
I thought these colours were actually going to get better as the shoot went on, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. Well....I shouldn't say unfortunately because the overcast conditions allowed me to shoot for much longer than I ordinarily would.
The scene has a dreamlike state and was actually overlooked in my original perusal of my morning work and I was glad I took that second look. I hope you are too.

I hope you enjoyed this round of new images. If you did, I'd love if you could share it with your family and friends and have them enjoy them too!

Kind regards,


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